Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Stupid Parking Ticket

Man, I know they're only doing what they are supposed to do, but I got another parking ticket today and boy does that burn me up. I know it's my own fault, but who enjoys throwing away money like that? This ticket is for alternate side parking and the thing is, I really should know better.

You know talking about tickets it's funny how you always seem to get one, whether you run into a store for a second and double park, or maybe park it by a hydrant for a minute(of course always in isight) etc. When the shoe is on the other foot and you see someone else parked at a hydrant, you automatically think, "what an asshole!" or when it's your car that you've got to pull out, and some jerk is double-parked, then you're furious that they could be so callous and get away with it! Speaking of which, some idiot councilman is trying to propose a bill that would make it LEGALto double park. Can you imagine the mess of traffic this would cause? The avenues are ok during rush hour because people can't park there during that 3 hour window, now with this idiot's plan, that would make the street such a mess. Also, who's to decide the 5 minutes that a car is double-parked before they can get a summons? That's just sillyness. I hope he gets blocked in by a double-parker and has to lean on his horn to get the driver to finally move his car. What a jerk.

Saturday, May 28, 2005

Finally! Warm weather!

So today, the weather jumped nearly 20 degrees. For a big chunk of the day, the tempurture actually hovered in the high 70's. It was a gorgeous day, sometimes a bit cloudy, but otherwise warm, sunny and nice day. Unfortunately, I was at work. Which happened to be really busy! I'm on the third day of my swing so today's the "hump day", which is weird when it's a beautiful friday evening!

I'm gonna be missing out on all the great bbq's that everyone is going to be throwing. A friend of mine has her annual bbq at her folks house, complete with it's own beach, pool and volleyball net. Now that's a party! I still can't believe that it's about a week away from June! I'm seeing a lot of Limos on the streets, so I'm guessing it's Prom season. Boy, I feel old!

I showed a bunch of people how I transferred DVD movies to be viewed on my Treo Smartphone, and I think I've converted a few of them into Treo owners. The funny thing about the movies is that I've never watched a single one from beginning to end on one, but it sure does a good job of convincing people that it's a cool little gadget. I still can't believe how cool the PSP looks and how clear that screen is.

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

The DaVinci Code

I finished this book a little while ago and I loved it. I've also read his other books Angels and Demons and Deception Point. I read one other of his books, but can't remember it at the moment. Although I thought Angels and Demons was a better book, The DaVinci Code was a terrific read.

SPOILER ALERT. Don't read the rest of this post if you haven't read the book yet!
The reason this book is so talked about is that so many people can't see past the fact that this book is FICTION. It's not real and it's meant to be entertainment only. The reason it resonates so deeply with so many people is because it seems to challenge people's deep seated religious beliefs by taking liberties with real facts. I have to admit I loved that Opus Dei really existed! Mona Lisa does look like a man and John the Apostle in "The Last Supper" sure does look like a woman. I had to look up all these things in Google just to see them for myself. I also looked up the Divine number of Phi. That alone I think is cool enough to write a whole novel around.

Well, as I enjoyed this book so much, I'm really excited that they plan on making a movie based on this book. Tom Hanks has been cast as the lead character Robert Langdon. As much as I love Hanks, I really pictured someone more like Harrison Ford or George Clooney as the lead. In any case with Hanks in that role, this movie'll probably win him an oscar!

Monday, May 23, 2005

Revenge of the Sith

So I finally got to see this. It was definately better then the previous two, and I did find myself with an overwhelming urge to watch the original 3 again. It was a lot darker then the others and there was no shortage of action. Ewan McGregor is simply awesome, he kicks ass as Obi-wan Kenobi. I was a little disappointed with Natalie Portman and her role as Padme Amidilla. She's barely in the movie at all, and when she is, she's simply not the little hottie you remember.

Yoda looked really good, and they do a pretty fair job of chronicling Anakins shift to the dark side, but the influences seem pretty small to induce such a drastic measure. Also, I thought it would have been cool to see how Darth Vader gets his Red lightsaber. Did you guys catch Obi-Wan picking up Anakins light saber though? I guess that's the one he saves for Luke.

May 22nd 2005

First post on this new service. Gotta watch what I say, don't want to end up getting canned for posting something stupid... Anyway, why is it so friggan cold still? June is less then 2 weeks away for craps sake! The Met's lost the subway series against the Yankees in Flushing today that sucks.

I have a 3 day weekend and I have to waste one of these days bringing my car back for repair. Bummer. I'd like to see the new Star Wars movie this weekend too. Wanted to go to the gym today, but I was lazy, spent all day playing online and converting movies to play on my Treo. I'm such a geek.

My honey at the 'gates'

This is an older picture already (I guess you could tell from the snow in the background). We went to see what all the fuss was all about and took a walk down to Central Park. Just as we thought, it's a bunch of orange drapes hung on metal beams that makes absolutely no sense as to why people think this is "art"