Yay! It's finally that time of year. The leaves are falling, it's getting a little cooler, and the pharmacy's are full of Halloween decorations and mini, bite-sized candies. This is and has always been my favorite time of year. I'm hoping to dress up again this year for Halloween, but I'm not sure as what yet.
I know it's been a little while since my last post, sorry for the long delay, it's just that I've been working so much overtime lately that I have such little free time. When I do have some time, I'm glued to the web-site (ESPN not Blogger) or the TV trying to get a leg up on fantasy football.
In other news, Rita the latest hurrican has swept through the gulf coast, this time hitting mostly Texas, and only slightly flooding New Orleans. What have we learned these past few weeks from these hurricanes?
1. Mother Nature is berserk, it is very rare for 2 category 4 storms or higher to hit the mainland in the same year.
2. The Mayor and Governor of Louisiana are complete idiots. One is a perp and the other plain incompetent in all matters concerning governing except one - how to point the finger.
3. The low income class of New Orleans is probably thinking they've just hit the lotto. A big chunk of them are on government assistance anyway, so it's not like they worked long and hard to save up for anything they might have lost, now with the hurricane, they've got a fresh start. Free money, no record (no id, no record) and tons of support around the world for these leeches on society.
4. Bush has no balls. I can't beleive he came out and took the blame for that. He fired Brown, who fucking cares about Brown? Make Nagin and whatever her name is (governor) get fully embarrassed and own up to their negligence!
Ok, enough about Louisiana and Texas, to the people that are hard-working and deserving of our aid, our thoughts are with you. To the crooks that suck the blood and soul out of our society, may you drown in feces filled sewage.
Gadget news. NYC Police Department now has a PODCAST!Click on NYPD Website Ok, I can understand ESPN, 1010wins and such having a podcast, but the Police Department? That's very interesting, now you can hear about street closings on your own personal MP3 player - Yippee! Get the fuck out of here. Spend that money, time and research getting standardized, working radios, or maybe even RIM pagers (warrant checks, important info, etc) now that would be something!
TREO Joins M$FT. The Treo smartphone (same one I have) have stiffed their old operating system, the Palm OS and have switched over to the Windows platform. What does this means? Well right now, very little as the new phone won't be out until sometime next year. Windows has always been more multimedia friendly, a little prettier and sometimes more impressive. It works with Word, Excel and the majority of the office suite right out of the box, and now has integreted "push" email, like the Blackberry's have. You can watch movies and videos using Windows Media Player (WMP) and need not download 3rd party software. That sounds nice, but you are giving up the ease and simplicity of the Palm. Yes it usually has less memory and a slower processer, but that's because the software that runs on Palm needs less to make it work well, it is more efficient. It's easier to use and has a much quicker learning curve. More programs are written for it and above all, it works with Macs as well as Windows machines. The new phone running Windows sure does look pretty, but I think I'll wait until the new Palm version comes out. Which hopefully they make one. You should hope so too, cause remember that even if you don't like Palm, without competition, we all lose. The more companies try to make a similar product the more choice we have, the lower the price and the faster the turnaround for next generation models. Now all I need is to win the lotto to pay for all these new gadgets....
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