I love this series and I love boxed DVD sets. I've sat idly by year after year, season after season, while 24 fanatics raved on and on about 24, CTU and Jack Bauer. I longed to partake in these heated, animated discussions, but my schedule was cruel and unforgiving. Finally in a burst of inspiration, I decided to add "24 season 1" to my netflix list and using "move to top of queue", I eagerly awaited the beginning of a new saga. I'm big on watching seasons of TV on DVD sets as it's much more flexible, and I don't have to wait each week to watch one stinking hour. I don't have Tivo (gasp! it's true!), so if I miss a show, it's gone for me forever.
I've watched thus far, "The Shield", "The Sopranos", and "Lost". Through trial and error, we've found that 2 shows is just about right. One is way too quick (no commercials!) and 3 leaves you with an uneven single episode floating around, so 2 is just right. I've also added season 2 of "Lost" to my queue, as well as "Prison Break" which I've heard very good things about.
Netflix is kinda like Christmas every day in that you get a nice little package in the mail, like a small gift for being such a great person! Anyway, as I opened my mailbox, eagerly anticipating my foray into 24, imagine my dismay when they shipped me Disc 2 first! Disc one was listed at "shipping shortly". WTF!!!! Of course I sent them another one of my famous emails (remember the one I sent to McDonalds?) And just as I'd suspected, they ignored my email.... Oh well, at least season 1 disc one finally arrived...and yes Jack Bauer really kicks ass!
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