T-mobile is really batting for the fences here. First they hit a home run with the Blackberry pearl which is a beautiful phone, and has been met with glowing praise, and now they've got the Dash about to debut. This phone is a direct response to Verizons Motorola Q, which is hugely successful. The Dash, like the Q runs windows mobile 5, smartphone edition, meaning it doesn't have a touchscreen. It's very sleek and in my opinion, it has a much nicer feel to it. It's more solid and a lot less plasticy then the Q. With the ever expanding catalog of Windows mobile apps being developed every day, it's looking like M$ is slowly squeezing out the Palm OS (as well as Blackberry and Symbion). Sound familiar? Rewind about 20 years and you'll remember that Apple's had the main market share in PC's and slowly and surely Gates and company took over market share to become the juggernaut they are now with over 95% of the worlds PC's running their OS.
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