MRE stands for Meals Ready to Eat. I'm lucky enough to work with someone who selflessly devotes himself to the military, as well as works in the same crummy profession I'm in. I asked him once about MRE's as they are fascinating to me for some unknown reason. I mean, a hot, ready to eat meal, with all the trimmings, any time you want? What convenience, what comfort, what simplicity! So he mentioned to me that he had one laying around and I was welcome to it! Woo-Hoo.
Here you go with pics! The one I got is Rice, beans and Cajun Sausage. It also comes with just about everything you could think of in a meal, from a mini tabasco (which lek, absolutely adored), to grape drink mix (Army issued kool-aid?!) Total items included - the meal in a pouch, like the kind caprisun drinks come in, so it can be heated. A heating element, a chocolate bar, Crackers with a tube of cheese (what? it's no different than that can of EZcheese I've seen you sucking down!), condiments, a plastic spoon, and the already mentioned grape drink mix.
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