I watched this pilot last night, with great expectations and a lot of anticipation. My first impressions - the car, is really cool, the show is really lukewarm. While watching this 2 hour premier, I occasionally found myself picking up my laptop and browsing the internet. Not good, that means, that there were plenty of slow parts that caused me to lose interest. The new Michael Knight is okay, not bad, but not great. I hate to say it, but David Hassellhof simply had a lot more charisma. The female lead is not that attractive, again, I find her merely...Meh.
Now the new KITT, on the other hand is pretty slick. At first I was disappointed to learn that the new KITT would be a Mustang. A Mustang?!?! How exotic can you make a Mustang. Well they did a pretty good job with it and KITT actually looks pretty bad ass. It's good that KITT is revolutionary, cause when the rest of the FORD car's parts break down, KITT can automatically call AAA and send a tow truck!
SPOILER ALERT- don't read further if you still haven't seen the show.
I like the new abilities of KITT, but I am also annoyed that they've jumped into the nanotech bandwagon. It didn't make sense in the Bionic Women, and it doesn't really make sense here. Basically, with nanotech, KITT is now invincible as long as his computer is on. Blah, Blah, Blah. Too complicated and not really accurate with nanotech. We see bullets crash into the slick fiberglass hull, only to be instantly repaired, the spoiler being created out of thin air, and KITT's color instantly change. Ok, I can but that. But an SUV ramming into you at high speed, and coming to a complete stop crushing the SUV, yet leaving KITT unscracthed....Come on. What the hell happened to inertia, momentum and impact? We have technology that can circumvent that too? Also, making one of the characters a lesbian, doesn't automatically make her more interesting. As a matter of fact, the way that was thrown out there was a little awkward and seemed to serve no purpose other then making a statement like, "look at us, we're progressive, our heros can be gay too". Who cares? How does this affect the story? It doesn't.
I give KITT a 7 out of 10, but the show 5 out of 10.
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