Sunday, December 27, 2009
HP 110 Mini Netbook
Real quick, so what the heck is a netbook? Well, simply put, it's a small laptop. They have plenty of small laptops out there, and they've been around for a while. One of my favorites being the Sony Vaio Picturebook. That was the grand daddy of the netbooks, having a small screen and built in webcam. Unfortunately it was also $2000.00, 10 years ago. That's why only people who really needed a portable extra small laptop could afford it. It was a premium price for a so-so product that happened to fill a niche.
Fast forward to today and many manufacturers make a version of a mini laptop. Why do we call them "Netbooks". Because in order to make them cheap and small, some corners were cut. Most noticeably the optical drive. They don't have a DVD, CD or even a floppy drive. You're going to be using this primarily to connect to the internet (hence "netbook"). You can also use accessories and devices thru the usb ports. It's as simple and striped down as can be.
Now we're getting to the nitty-gritty, the HP Mini netbook is HP's version of the popular netbook, and I happen to have the 6 cell model, with a quoted 6 hour run time. The processor is a 1 Ghz Atom intel, with a hard drive of 160 GBs. Not too bad. This machine is perfectly adequate for online, email, basic word processing, and such. Basically it can be used for anything a regular computer would be used for. No intense gaming, or even heavy photo and video editing would be taxing, but for average everyday use, this this is great. I've used it for 2 full days now and the battery is incredible. A note though, the 6 cell battery protrudes from the bottom acting as a bit of a stand. I don't care for the look, and I think I'll pick up a 3 cell battery for everyday use and save the 6 cell for when I travel. I will leave the Macbook home from now on. I'm using safari and chrome as my browsers, as IE seems slow and bloated. I'm going to test out firefox as well. As far as computers go, for under $300 (sale from $400) from PC Richards. I'm very happy with the computer so far.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
"A Part of America Died"
Somebody killed a policeman today,
and a part of America died.
A piece of our country he swore to protect,
will be buried with him at his side.
The suspect that shot him will stand up in court,
with counsel demanding his rights.
While a young widowed mother must work for her kids,
and spend many long, lonely nights.
The beat that he walked was a battle field too,
just as if he'd gone off to war.
Though the flag of our nation won't fly at half mast,
to his name they will add a gold star.
Yes, somebody killed a policeman today,
in your town or mine.
While we slept in comfort behind our locked doors,
a cop put his life on the line.
Now his ghost walks a beat on a dark city street,
and he stands at each new rookie's side.
He answered the call, of himself gave his all,
and a part of America died.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Clash of the Titans [Trailer 1] [HD] 2010
will have to fill, but it still looks awesome. Check out this video
on YouTube:
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Thursday, December 03, 2009
Best of YouTube (iPod video)
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Monday, November 30, 2009
Droid Eris
AT&T speeds just don't seem to match up. The Droid is a great alternative if you want to stay on Verizon, but it too has some shortcomings, namely the bulky, box like design, lack of true multi-touch and a keyboard that seems redundant, mainly because it's keys are flush requiring you to have to look as you type anyway, and there's a little fingerpad, which is pointless if it's touchscreen anyway.
I decided my iPhone was much sleeker and aesthetically pleasing and started to walk out the store, when I caught sight of the Droid Eris. Another Droid phone? Yes, this one made by HTC, in fact it looks like a repackaged HTC hero. I liked the slimmer, smaller form factor, the rubberized casing, and the blackberry like trackball. It too has a touchscreen, and also has haptic feedback. The Eris has a decent 5 Megapixel camera and shoots both pics and video. That's not bad at all. Unlike Motorola's Droid, it runs Android 1.5 (compared to 2.0) and seems a bit slower because of it. It's still pretty zippy and the EVDO is quick. The added bonus, it has multi-touch, where you can zoom in and out with a pinch, just like on the iPhone. The Android store is growing quickly, with only the Apple App store with more applications. The Eris is $99 for a 2 year commitment. Check out my pics below! If you're on Verizon, and don't want to switch carriers, either Droid phone is a great option!
Sunday, November 08, 2009
Collecting Comic Books
Tuesday, November 03, 2009
Monoprice iPhone/iPod Battery Backup
Monday, November 02, 2009
caseywright (Casey Wright)
to follow you
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Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Family Guy - Lois Mom Mum Mommy
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Saturday, October 17, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Thursday, May 14, 2009
10 best iPhone games for hardcore gamers
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Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Saturday, May 09, 2009
Kansas City's Dumbest Criminal
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Tuesday, May 05, 2009
10 Most Lethal Driving Mistakes
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Thursday, April 30, 2009
Heineken - Walk in Closet Commercial
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Saturday, April 25, 2009
As cigarette sales dip, new products raise concerns
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Wednesday, April 22, 2009
British scientists study Hawaiian happy face spider
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Saturday, April 18, 2009
The 11 Most Painfully-Awesome Mike Tyson “Punch-outs”
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Bilingual babies are precocious decision-makers
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Police Department Twitters You Once They Arrest You
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Tuesday, April 14, 2009
FOX ready to "terminate" Sarah Connor Chronicles
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Sunday, April 12, 2009
American captain rescued, pirates killed, U.S. official says
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NYU Student Conducts Most Adorable Robot Experiment Ever
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Friday, March 27, 2009
20 Movies That Destroy New York
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Thursday, March 26, 2009
Dear A.I.G., I Quit!
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Friday, March 20, 2009
I'm just excited that there's going to be a Green Lantern movie!
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Saturday, March 14, 2009
Paraplegic Man Suffers Spider Bite, Walks Again
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Friday, March 13, 2009
New Batman game preview.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
iPhone OS 3.0 coming March 17th!
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Crash of speeding Ferrari kills MMA figure Charles Lewis
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6 Ways how I let Twitter work for me
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Monday, March 02, 2009
Friday, February 27, 2009
Traveling with the iPhone 3G.
I also brought along the PSP, but surprisingly I only used it once and for about a 1/2 hour. It seems the PSP has dropped to the wayside as my iPhone is now my device of choice. My last gadget along for the ride was the Solio Charger. From the get go, the iPhone was a tremendous help. On the flight there, I used the ebook reader, watched an episode of Patrick Swayze's new show "The Beast", listened to music and played a few games. The in-flight entertainment on Delta was lacking and it seems like everything now has a price tag on it now, from $2 headphones to $8 meals. It's great that I didn't have to pay $6 just to watch an inflight movie.
Upon arrival, I used the iPhone's GPS and maps program to guide me to the resort. En route, we saw a billboard advertising Cracker Barrell, which happens to be a favorite of mine. We got off the highway, but some how got lost. Using the App "Man-go", we were able to get back on track and find it easily. While there we took some pictures with the iPhone's crummy, but functional camera. Sent a quick text to my buddies to let them know we were on the way. I loved that the phone changed time zones by itself.
While on the mountain, despite being 8,000 feet above sea level, 3G worked great, and our resort had free wi-fi. Although my buddy's laptop picked up the wi-fi fine, I noticed that the antenna on the iPhone was unable to effectively pick up a usuable signal. I ended up turning off the wi-fi as the 3G speeds were faster. I checked email, with the twitterfon app and facebook app, updated all my friends and family back home with pictures and stories from my trip. On our first night, we used the maps program again to find and get directions to Bohemian the restuarant. After dinner, I hooked up my iphone to the TV with my composite cables and we all watched a movie together. Who needs to rent dvd's?
On the 3rd day, I got a text from a friend that someone we know was mentioned in a newspaper article, so using my iPhone, while sitting in a chair lift, I was able to pull up the article and read it for myself. I used the phone to check weather and ski conditions every day, and keep up to date on all news from NY.
Finally on the last day, we decided to take a tour of Salt Lake City. Again, the only guide we had was google maps. I was amazed at how easy it was to get around the city, and we were never lost or without direction. We were able to check out reviews for a restaurant before eating there, then we used the phone to look up history of points of interest such as the University of Utah, the State Capital, and even to learn more about the Church of Jesus Christ and Latter Day Saints. Since we used the phone so much, I was happy to have my Solio Charger to recharge the phone while at the airport. We checked in early, so again I used the phone to check stocks (I'm a glutten for punishment), read news, and check weather back in NYC. Once on the plane I entertained myself with "Don't Mess With the Zohan" I've had this movie on my phone for so long, but kept putting off watching it. I'm sorry I had because it was pretty funny! When that movie was done, I went back to reading my ebook.
Lastly when we finally arrived, I was able to text my brother and let him know that I've arrived a little early and to pick us up. Over all, I never missed not having a laptop with me at all. I didn't have much down time there so, as we were on the move the whole time, perhaps if I had more time to sit and chill, I might have missed my Macbook more. On this trip, the iPhone rose to the challenge and was all I needed!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
9 Foods To Eat For A Killer Immunity
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Simon and Garfunkel Stage Surprise Reunion in NYC
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Friday, February 13, 2009
49 Killed as Continental Plane Crashes Into NY Home
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Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Some Banks Now Want to Return Government Money
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Sunday, February 08, 2009
Bangkok will be submerged by 2030
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Friday, February 06, 2009
OFFICIAL: Street Fighter The Legend of Chun Li (U.S. ENGLISH) 2009
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Monday, February 02, 2009
Think Before You Click: The Top Five Internet Scams
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Sunday, February 01, 2009
80's Cartoons for the grown up!
Pepsi Ad
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Tuesday, January 27, 2009, free content online
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Sylvester Stallone at 62 (PIC)
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Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Wall Street progress higher in early trading
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Tuesday, January 20, 2009
CNET live viewing comes to the iPhone - CNET News
Message from sender: live viewing comes to the iPhone - CNET News
UStream's live streaming service comes to the iPhone and does it in style. You can browse and search through programming and watch it live on your phone.
CNET: The source for computers and technology
Monday, January 19, 2009
Devastating hit sends Mcgahee off the field in a stretcher
Watch Obama's Inauguration live!
If you don't have access to a computer, the iphone has a couple of applications that may help, the first is Joost. They are streaming this event, and they do have an iphone application. Hopefully they will stream to both the computer and the iphone applicaitons. They only work on wifi though, no 3G. Ustream also has an iphone applicaiton, but as of this writing it has not yet been released. You could try emailing them for a pre-releashed copy at
Of the new mediums out there,twitter has shown to be one of the best at live action coverage. check them out and use the tag #inauguration in the search feature to follow live when thousands of people who use twitter. Where ever you may be, may technology help you to enjoy it!
How Not to Be a Douchebag Tourist in NYC
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Friday, January 16, 2009
US Airways Crash Rescue Picture Citizen Jouralism
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Toyota Prius
This is such a different era and times are continuing to change at a
rapid pace. Namely the American Auto makers are certainly no longer
the exclusive makers of these yellow taxis. There was a time that all
taxis were Ford or Chevrolet. How long before we see a cop car made by
Honda? An accord patrol car perhaps?
The second point is the "green" concept. While I applaud the attempt
to improve our ecological footprint, is it really working? These cabs
get the same mileage out as regular cars when they are driven
aggressively, and these are cabs for crying out loud! Anyway,
hopefully we're heading in the right direction.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
US Airways plane crashes into Hudson River right next to NYC
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Ex-officer arrested in BART shooting
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Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Sunday, January 11, 2009
AT&T Discount
offers discounts to those employees. I double checked with AT&T and
they just applied a 20% discount to my account! Check with yours, it
never hurts!
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Underworld:Rise of the Lycans
15 year old Girl Punched by Cop Police Brutality SERIOUS !
Check out this video on YouTube:
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JT asked us to send you this post from Engadget
From: Engadget
Sent from: JT
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Comments: Does anyone remember Sony's first pocket laptop? It was out way before there were any "netbooks". It was also small and was intended to do anything a full sized computer could do. It was also one of the first laptops to include a built in camera. All this was almost 10 years ago, and was called the Picturebook. I was torn between this or the Blueberry original ibook. I chose the Ibook and never looked back!
VAIO P, now with more Windows 7
- It boots fast! Not that Vista was that bad on the boot front, but we're pretty happy with this.
- No Aero. That's to be expected, but the lack of transparency and visual effects makes the OS look quite a bit different than most of the screenshots out there.
- It's very responsive. To be honest, a lot of that could be from the fact that this is a clean install, minus all the crap Sony loads on. Still, we're very happy for the start menu to pop open instantly, windows to redraw like God intended... it's pretty great.
- Browsing is 100% better. Internet Explorer pops open in a flash, and pages load in times nearly on comparison with "real" computers. Also, scrolling is ultra smooth, whereas with Vista it was stuttery all the way down.
- There's a lot more to explore. We've just scratched the surface, but we love what we've seen so far.
Update 2: for those who've asked: yes, the webcam works, and no, we haven't had any luck getting Aero up and running, though we have the video drivers loaded -- we're not saying it's impossible, in fact, it's likely very possible, since plenty of other similarly specced netbooks can pull it off, but it's just not happening for us just yet.
[Gallery Removed for Email]
Saturday, January 10, 2009
I thought you should see this story
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Personal Submarines, cause submarines are cool!
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Friday, January 09, 2009
Get a text message when you're about to get ticketed.
'Smart' French parking meters to send tickets by text message
'Smart' parking meters that send motorists a text message when they have spent too long in a parking space and incurred a fine could become a familiar sight on British high streets.
Last Updated: 12:30AM GMT 08 Jan 2009
About 60 local authorities in France have already installed a system that detects the presence of vehicles and alerts police if drivers exceed their allotted time.
The metres were devised by Technolia, an engineering company. In the future, they hope to use the technology to send a text message to the car's owner, warning them when their pre-paid parking time is running out.
"We are revolutionising parking with the individual monitoring of spaces," Claude Zandona, the company's managing director, told the Times.
The meters create magnetic fields that register the metal mass of vehicles and have a direct computer link to a police station, the paper said.
In the town of Issy-les-Moulineaux cars are allowed 20 minutes of free parking. But if they overstay, the smart meter sends a message to a police control room, which alerts officers through their mobile telephones 15 minutes later.
"That way police and wardens don't have to spend the day walking up and down the road," said Mr Zandona, who wants to bring the technology to Britain and a number of other countries.
"The police can go and sit in a café if they like and just pop out when they get a message to say a car is parked illegally. They have an 80 per cent chance of finding the car still there between 12 and 18 minutes after the limit, we have found. That's why we warn them after 15 minutes."
Mr Zandona wants to expand the system so motorists pay for parking with a personal identification number incorporated into their mobile telephones.
"The meter would then send a text message to warn you five minutes before your time was up. You could buy more time through your phone if you wanted.
"But if you didn't, you'd get another message to say you'd overstayed and been fined."
He said the fines could be sent directly to drivers' homes, reducing or even eliminating the need for wardens.
Cops loosen up on minor violations
SOME petty crime is apparently too petty for the NYPD.
The department is edging away from a highly successful model of attacking all minor offenses to focus more on major crimes and counterterrorism, insiders told The Post.
Read More -
CNET Delete 10 Facebook friends, get a free Whopper - CNET News
Message from sender:
Delete 10 Facebook friends, get a free Whopper - CNET News
Fast-food chain Burger King's new Facebook application will give you a coupon for a free burger if you start trimming that friends list. What it won't do: trim your waistline.
CNET: The source for computers and technology
Thursday, January 08, 2009
Google Street View Used To Help Find Kidnapped Girl
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Solio Charger

I got this as a gift for Christmas. Solio Charger. I was very excited, it's basically a power pack to charge your portable devices, like your cell phone, mp3 player and digital camera. I only really only carry one device with me which runs out of juice quickly, and that's the iphone. I thought it would be great to be able to recharge my phone on the go, or at work. The best part about this charger is that if you happen to drain it and you don't have access to a wall outlet, you can recharge the Solio with nothing but solar power. Great! Too bad it doesn't work with my Iphone 3G. Apparently it works fine with the original model, but not the newer one. That sucks.
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
My baby
lately, I really miss riding my bike. I can't wait till it warms up
and I can really take the gal out. Maybe I'll take a nice roadteip on
her like I've been planning!
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
Today (January 5th) Is The Most Stressful Day Of The Year
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Monday, January 05, 2009
Fox News TWITTER account hacked? or Bill O'Reilly is gay?
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Britney Spears twitter account hacked
HI Yall! Brit Brit here, just wanted to update you all on the size of my vagina. Its about 4 feet wide with razor sharp teeth.
Either that or she's having a really bad day.
Blogging from iphone
trying out blogging by email on my iPhone. I've been using my iPhone
for facebook as well as twitter. If this works well, I will have all
my social networks available on my iPhone. Awesome!
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Soulja Boy's House Robbed at Gunpoint
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Saturday, January 03, 2009
Gizmodo Recommendation: Brother QuattroT 6000D: Now Even Sewing Machines Are HD
Title: Brother QuattroT 6000D: Now Even Sewing Machines Are HD
says: Even home economics is getting high tech!
Friday, January 02, 2009
For Apple, 2008 Was a Very Good Year
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Thursday, January 01, 2009
Man Tries to Fool Cops by Calling 911 During Stop
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