Sunday, February 01, 2009

80's Cartoons for the grown up!

The Superbowl was actually pretty awesome. There were some amazing plays, and a few commercials were actually memorable. Watching some of these commercials makes me realize that there's a lot of talk of the X generation, the Y generation, the "text" generation and all. I'm not sure what they each mean, but I'm pretty happy to be in my generation. I was the born in the 70's, and raised in the 80's generation. I grew to He-man, Transformers, G.I.Joe and a host of other really great cartoons. It's absolutely great that so many of these are now becoming excellent movies! That means that this had as much of an impact to me as it did to lots of other people are around my age group. So we may not have been the age to grow up to Facebook, or myspace, or even SMS and Skype, but we are the age that grew up to AIM, Apple computers when they were known as Apple IIe's, and video games where you have to go to an arcade. We may not be cutting edge, but it's great to see cutting edge technology applied to our fantasies! See the following videos for G.I. Joe and Transformers 2. Explore your childhood fantasies!

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