In another life I used to work for Giftcertificates.com. That company is still around, and well, and I'm proud to have had a part in the company in it's infancy. I was there during that time, pre- 911 where there was a lot of optimism, and hope, and dot.coms were popping up all over the place. Venture Capital was giving out funds to nearly any company with a half-way decent idea. We were paid relatively low wages, but were promised huge shares in a company that would (could) make millions upon the IPO. Thought of millionaires like those Yahoo and Ebay employees tantalized us all. I never did make those millions, but we sure did have a good time. I miss working in the city at an exciting new company, and going out for drinks and parties and all that jazz. I even miss the new office when we moved to the NJ office. Although it was the beggining of the end, it was the journey, not the destination that was important. These are the people that made that journey with them, and we all got together again at Porky's in Manhattan, and it was a really good time.
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