In police jargon, the police car is known as an RMP (or Radio Motor Patrol). The NYPD now has a few of these Chargers, and are testing them. If they work out, you could soon see your neighborhood patrol car in one of these babies. They look sweet!
As we get older, we all move away, and it gets harder and harder for people to stay in touch. Hopefully, this blog will allow us to be a little bit more connected! Thanks for stopping by, and comments are welcome!
brother, the only thing to make that car look better would be to put the blue and gold State Police colors on it and have it riding up and down the thruway at 150.
Hazie - "Yes, Honey" is already an automatic response! I even automatically wake up and mutter it, just in case!
That would be friggan sweet, especially with the V-8 Hemi, cause I have a bad feeling, we'll be getting the V-6 engine.
Yeah, same here, if we ever switch over I'm sure we'll be gettin' the cheaper version also... they will still look bad ass though, who cares how they drive???
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