Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Thai Prime Minister steps down

I was concerned about this growing problem in Thailand. The Prime Minister has been tainted with claims of corruption, ever since he sold his multi-billion dollar company to Singapore. It has been claimed that he used his political powers to unfairly grow his company, and then the sale being tax-free incensed educated Thai people. It's also very upsetting to have sold so important a piece of the Thai economy to a foreign nation. Now it appears he's finally resigned, which is also good for me on a personal level, since until recently protestors were organizing in Bangkok by the thousands and i was worried it would interfere with my wedding.

BANGKOK, April 4 — Thaksin Shinawatra, a billionaire turned populist politician, said Tuesday that he would step down as Thailand's prime minister, ending five years of increasingly tumultuous rule and breaking a political stalemate over demands for his resignation that had gripped the country for the past two months.

Read the rest of the article here NYTimes article here (registration required)

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