Sunday, May 11, 2008

New Camera

It's been a long time since I've owned a "real" digital camera. Most of the pictures you see on this blog are either from my Treo 700p, which has done a pretty good job so far. Otherwise I simply download them off the web from websites (such as the above photo of my new camera) or from friends who send pictures from services such as snapfish or kodak. Now however, I have a brand new toy. This camera looks to do everything I need, with the only sacrifice being it's size. It's a little bit bigger then these ultra small compact point and shoots thats so popular theses days. Our biggest selling point is the lens has a 10x optical zoom, which coupled with it's image stabilization really allows one to get up close and personal. I intend to take many, many photos and post them here when I return!

Travel Companians

Well you know I don't need an excuse to buy new gadgets especially when it's video game. I have a long flight ahead of me, so I figured I'd better get some entertainment in case I don't like any of the movies on board. I picked up a used copy of Gods of War:Chains of Olympus. It's everything it's cracked up to be. I haven't enjoyed a game this much in a long time (maybe since Halo) on the Xbox. While I was at the local Gamestop, I noticed also that the actually had a few Wii's available. That's my next big purchase! Although the long lines for the GTA4 makes me want to buy an 360 or PS3 to see what all the fuss is about.

Iron Man

Go see this movie. Now. It's great. A little tip though. Stay after the credits, you will be rewarded. If you follow Marvel Comics, you'll enjoy the clip at the end. If you don't, you'll be a little confused.

Little Danielle turns one!

Tempust fugit, latin for "time flies". It's so true. I feel it was only a weeks ago that we welcomed young Danielle into the world, and here we are already, her 1st birthday! It was great to see so many of the old gang again. It's funny cause we all look exactly the same just a little bit older, a little grayer and we move a tad bit slower! Of course at each outing, there are more and more kids in tow!

Maria sings the opera!

My first Opera ever, and surprisingly, I loved it! Here's the gang out in support of Maria Todaro, our resident kick boxer/Opera singer! As usual she kicks ass (pun intended)! We saw her show at the John Jay College Theatre, and were thouroughly impressed with both the show and the performance of all the actors! Cool note, they had a cake at the end of the performance, shaped to look like the theatre! Very cool. I tried 2 out of 5 flavors. Chris somehow managed all 5!

Ting ties the knot

It was a long time coming, but Ting finally tied the knot. The wedding was a lot of fun and we did everything from the "electric slide" to traditional thai (laotion) style dancing. I of course continued with my "shadow boxing" dance style, which is very easy to do, but slightly dangerous for your dance partners! Ting congratulations, and we'll certainly miss you when you move off to Iowa!

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Giant Stingrays Found Near Thai City [PICS]

Recreational fishers and biologist Zeb Hogan hold a live, 14-foot-long (4.3-meter-long) giant freshwater stingray the fishers caught in the Bang Pakong River in Chachoengsao, Thailand, on March 31, 2008.

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