Sunday, January 11, 2009

Underworld:Rise of the Lycans

Seriously. Are they kidding. No matter how hot Kate Beckingsale is going to look in that leather outfit, I still think the 3rd installment in this movie trilogy is going to suck. Prequels as a general rule suck. Part of the allure of the original Underworld was the meld of the old world supernatural creatures with the modern day high tech gadgetry. The prequel is hundreds of years in the future and seems to pinpoint the time that Selene (Beckingsale) first becomes a vampire. What's wrong with this is, remove the gadgets, turn back the clock a few hundred years and introduce a non-vampire Beckingsale and what do you have? Why doesn't that sound familiar? I'll give you a hint add Hugh Jackman. That's right it's Van Helsing all over again. Remember what an awesome movie that was? Me neither, that movie sucked and it looks like the next Underworld ROTL will too. Go see Taken, Defiance, or Gran Torino instead. Your Welcome. Sent from my iPhone

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