Tuesday, May 15, 2007

I'm back

Sorry I've been away for so long, there's just been so much going on. I was studying for the promotional exams, which unfortunately didn't seem to go as well as I'd planned. Fingers still crossed. I've been moved to a new detail, which is an exciting new oppurtunity for me. It's a little more stressful, but the oppurtunities are endless! Lastly I've moved from my old Upper-East Side haunts, to the previously foreign Upper-West Side. I gotta admit, I never really thought a certain neighborhood is better then the next, but now I understand what they mean when they say "Location is everything". It's so true! Best of all, if you ever want to visit, I now live on the first floor, so no more grueling 5 floor walk up to hang out!

Other notes: Since I moved, I upgraded my cable box to HDTV, and it's simply breath-taking. I also opted for the DVR function and I know it's not quite TiVo, but it's still pretty darn good! I love being able to record all my shows and watch them at my leisure, the only regret i have is that 24 and Heroes are both pretty much over!

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