Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Stupid Parking Ticket

Man, I know they're only doing what they are supposed to do, but I got another parking ticket today and boy does that burn me up. I know it's my own fault, but who enjoys throwing away money like that? This ticket is for alternate side parking and the thing is, I really should know better.

You know talking about tickets it's funny how you always seem to get one, whether you run into a store for a second and double park, or maybe park it by a hydrant for a minute(of course always in isight) etc. When the shoe is on the other foot and you see someone else parked at a hydrant, you automatically think, "what an asshole!" or when it's your car that you've got to pull out, and some jerk is double-parked, then you're furious that they could be so callous and get away with it! Speaking of which, some idiot councilman is trying to propose a bill that would make it LEGALto double park. Can you imagine the mess of traffic this would cause? The avenues are ok during rush hour because people can't park there during that 3 hour window, now with this idiot's plan, that would make the street such a mess. Also, who's to decide the 5 minutes that a car is double-parked before they can get a summons? That's just sillyness. I hope he gets blocked in by a double-parker and has to lean on his horn to get the driver to finally move his car. What a jerk.

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