Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Election Day!

You know, it's a pretty good feeling, this voting business. They do make it real easy too, I'm registered right down the block, so there is no reason not to vote. Schools out and even alternate side parking rules are suspened, what a great day. There sure are a lot of names in that voting booth that I've never seen before. I guess that's why being in a party is so important, cause people will just pick a column and vote all the way down. I used to be a Democrat, but not anymore, but I'm sure as hell not giving my vote blindly all the down Republican either. It'd be nice to know what these other politicians stand for, they are just faceless names most of the time. The other times you see their faces all over the city, but don't know what they stand for, so they are voiceless faces... Anyway, go vote.

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