Wednesday, June 08, 2005


I know that universally going to the DMV ranks right up there with getting a root canal or a prostate exam. It's just not a fun experiance. I went in one line, waited 20 minutes, finally got my forms and was instructed to go to line number 2. As I waited in that line I filled out my paperwork and 25 minutes later got to the end of line, where they checked my paperwork and handed me a ticket number. I was B435. I look up on the screen and see A569, I454, C234, F543, D324, E435, and B320. I had over 100 people in the B's ahead of me....

3 hours later, it's not 6pm, yay, I'm done....


Anonymous said...

Oh jeez - you just made my day worse! Scott and I are going this Saturday to the DMV in Danbury to become official "Connecticutians" or whatever they are called. I fear going, I loathe going. I will indeed wind up strangling someone standing behind the desk when they flash me the wrong look; meanwhile Scott will be content sitting in the corner waiting for his number to be called, playing games on his phone - thinking of a way to make his PSII portable.

BlueBoy said...

I'm jealous that your DMV is open on Saturdays! Well hopefully CT's DMV isn't as busy as ours is in NY, and that they aren't staffed with indifferent, uneducated, retards! Have fun.