Saturday, December 17, 2005

NYPD Officer laid to rest.

Originally uploaded by badblueboy.
I normally try to keep anything related to work, off my blog, as I feel my blog is a place to talk about my personal life and not my professional life. Unfortunately, these past 2 weeks, if anything at all, has shown me that my work is part of my personal life and it is part of who I am.

I didn't have the honor of knowing Officer Dillion Stewart, who was killed while chasing a piece of shit through the streets of Brooklyn. His loss was a severe blow to all of us. I did however have the good fortune to have worked with Officer Enchautegui as I work in the same area. I wouldn't be surprised at all if I called for back-up and he and his partner were the responding Officers to show up. He was just a generally good guy, that I only wish I'd had the chance to know better.

Both these Officers were killed in the early morning, putting to truth the adage, "these men patrol the streets at night, so that good citizens may sleep peacefully in their beds". Officer Danny Enchautegui was laying comfortably in his own bed that night, when he heard the sound of crashing glass, and rose to investigate. He bravely confronted 2 men he suspected of committing a violent crime and commanded "Police, don't move!" twice, when he was fired upon. Officer Enchautegui fired all 8 rounds in his off duty, striking one perp 6 times, the other 2 times. That's a 100% hit rate, showing us the determination he had, even after being fatally wounded.

The picture above (NYtimes)shows Officer's lined up at Officer Enchautegui's Funeral. A sight we've seen too many times in too short a span. My prayers, and hopefully yours go out to the families of both these fine Officers. I choose to spend all my compassion on them, and save none for those that committed these crimes. May they rot in hell.

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