Monday, October 31, 2005

Did you turn back your clock?

In general, you can't turn back time, except for once a year, you're allowed to turn back the clock and get your one hour back. This is great for most of us, as it means an extra hour of sleep, and if you work nights you benefit from one extra hour of pay (unless you get ripped off). It's actually kind of silly that we even have this, but I guess tradition is tough to break. A lot of countries around the world don't even have daylight savings time. I think it originated because in older days (like when your parents walked to school barefoot in the snow uphill - both ways), it would be very dark in the winter months on the way to school. In the interest of making it safer for kids, you turn back the clock one hour and now you'll have sunlight on the way to school and on the way back. Now we have streetlights and it seems like a very small minority of students actually walk to school (as can be seen by the rising obesity levels).

Technology sure is great, now a days, there isn't very much that you have to set yourself. My computer, cell phone and cable box all update to the correct time automatically (my vcr still flashes 12:00). I basically have my wristwatch and my car's stereo to change and thats it. So you know I'm going to be an hour ahead until we turn the clocks forward again. Last night I went to Westchester and to celebrate daylight savings time (or is it standard time?), my brother, Lek and I went to the dinner and had a late meal. I indulged myself by ordering a plate of Disco Fries (Mozzarella cheese fries and gravy). With a name like that, you can't go wrong. It's also known as heart attack on a plate! Yum!

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